Category Archives: Announcements


Transformation & Teaching with Fire

In this time of no alarm clocks, I’ve had the luxury of paying more attention to my dreams and the messages they have for me, including new directions to explore in painting. Dreams about transformation, being at a crossroads, and trusting my instincts have led me back to explorations of intuitive painting. I’m letting my left hand lead, making marks with unusual tools, and working with layers to capture the look of a painting in a recent dream. Here’s a closeup of the intense colors of the first layer as I start to add a layer of white:

After I finished adding the white, I came back with glazes of more intense color:

To echo the dream painting, I’m now in the process of adding dark linear marks:

As one of my favorite poems suggests, I’m trying to “leave the roots on” and see where the painting wants to go. Here’s the layout as it appears in the wonderful anthology Teaching with Fire:

And here’s the cover:

Announcements Classes/Workshops

Winter Escape, Sneak Peek, & Last Chance!

Backyard Food Chain, detail, ©Elizabeth Sanford



Escape from Winter with watercolor! We had a great time at the sold-out Watercolor Basics workshop last weekend, and you have 2 more opportunities to come paint with me in February. Time’s almost up to join us on Tuesday nights for Mixed Media: Watercolor + Ink at Watkins College of Art; this 9-week class is great for all skill levels, so sign up before registration closes on Monday!


If you’d rather take a one-day workshop, join us for Creating Watercolor Textures on February 16 at Plaza; all supplies are included!


You can learn more about both classes here:







Backyard Food Chain, 9x7x5.5in, watermedia, ©2013 Elizabeth Sanford



I’ll be adding the Spring classes to my website soon, so here’s a sneak preview: I’m especially excited to be offering 2 versions of The Secret Side of Books, including a 2-day one at Watkins on March 9 & 10. We’ll have fun making tunnel books and other structures with a secret side, so you won’t want to miss this one!








Announcements Classes/Workshops Exhibitions & Events

Art WORKS Photos, Sneak Preview, and More!




What a surprise to find that my pieces were chosen to represent the Art WORKS Collection on the Metro Arts kiosk! It was a lovely reception and lots of fun to hang out with the other artists and tour each floor to see all the art. Here I am with the other artists and the Board of Metro Arts Commission:





And here the artists are posing with the mayor:





If you missed the Open House, you can see the collection anytime during regular business hours at the Metro Office Building. My pieces are on the 3rd floor near the elevator.




I’ll be teaching lots of classes and workshops in 2019, including a new one called Creating Watercolor Textures. It’ll be on Saturday, February 16, at Plaza, and the details will be on my website soon!


Best wishes for the New Year!