Postponements, Comfort & Joy

Dutchman’s Breeches

Since all my classes, workshops, and shows have been cancelled or postponed for the foreseeable future, I’m focusing on the present by experimenting in the studio and finding comfort and joy in simple pleasures like spending time in the woods and staying in touch with family and friends. Right now the woods are full of fresh new tree leaves, wildflowers, birdsongs, and the exuberance of Spring, all of which is a wonderful contrast to the news:

Twin Leaf

Just walking up the driveway is a joy when the Kerria is in bloom:

Here’s a closeup:

I’m also diving deep into dreamwork and enjoying Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson. If you’re interested in exploring Jungian dreamwork, there are some good resources at Laura Huff’s website here:

And she’ll have some free introductory videos up on her Facebook page soon!

Even in the midst of a pandemic, the insistence and persistence of Spring can be inspiring:

Take care!

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