Tag Archives: Art Classes


Upcoming Classes & More!

I’m delighted to announce 2 upcoming workshops at the Franklin Recreation Center! As you can see in this closeup, watercolor, acrylic, and ink can work well together, and I’ll be sharing some of my favorite techniques for combining them on Saturday, January 22. This is Tales of the Understory, Part 2, and the workshop is called Painting in Water Media. You can find all the details here:


Nature inspires my art, including the more abstract pieces like Erythros. Do you recognize my subject? Here’s a hint — it’s a closeup of something small that’s a very common sight this time of year. Curious about my process? Then join me for Natural Abstractions on Saturday, February 19! Learn more here: https://apm.activecommunities.com/wcpr/Activity_Search/natural-abstractions/17084

I had a great time at Art on the West Side! This is a photo from opening night. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it a success, especially my friend Judy Klich!

Did you guess the inspiration for my natural abstraction? If not, there are multiple hints in this photo. Happy Halloween!


Art Show This Weekend & Upcoming Classes!

Art on the West Side opens on Saturday at the JCC, and here’s a sneak preview! A closeup of Melodies of Dusk, Part 1 is above, and this is Joining the Chorus:

Hope you can stop by on October 2 or 3! Find more details here: http://artonthewestside.org/

October’s a wonderful time to enjoy a relaxing nature walk, and combining one with art-making doubles the pleasure! You’re invited to join me on October 16 for Forest Bathing and Art at the Franklin Recreation Center; class size is limited, so sign up soon! Check my website for details, or use this link: https://apm.activecommunities.com/wcpr/Activity_Search/16636

This is the first time I’ve ever offered a 4-week Practical Color Theory class, and it starts on October 21! You can learn more here: https://apm.activecommunities.com/wcpr/Activity_Search/16635