Mystery Technique #76




Wonder what techniques I used to create this image? You can find out next month if you’ve signed up for email updates; I’ll reveal the details in January!




This is an experiment with cheesecloth and sprayed acrylic paint. First I pulled the fibers apart to make a more varied texture; then I wet the paper, put the cheesecloth on top, and adied blue and yellow Marabu Mixed Media Art Spray. Acrylic ink in a small spray bottle would be a good substitute. Here’s the first attempt:





I lifted off the cheesecloth while it was still wet with paint and pressed it between 2 pieces of paper to get this transfer:






To create  a more complex image, I took a class demo that already had some dried acrylic shapes on it and rewet the paper before placing the paint-soaked cheesecloth on top. Next I sprayed more color and also dropped in a little yellow acrylic ink to create more drama. After it dried, I removed the cheesecloth and added a little more color in a few spots; here’s the result again:





This is what it the cheesecloth looked like after it dried:





I first read about about this technique years ago in Maxine Masterfield’s In Harmony with Nature. Now she has a free quarterly newsletter, The Spirit of Experimental Art. She revisited this technique in the August 2018 issue. You can sign up for the newsletter here:




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