Mystery Technique #87

Curious about how this was done? You can find out the special techniques I used next month if you’ve signed up for email updates; I’ll explain more about it in December!


Exciting things happen when you combine acrylic ink, Yupo, and water! Here are my favorite 3 inks: Phthalocyanine Blue (Green Shade), Quinacridone Magenta, and Cadmium Yellow Light Hue. They’re too strong for me straight out of the bottle, so I typically work with a part ink/part water version that varies by color — half water/ half ink for Phthalo Blue, less water for the others. The piece of blue painter’s tape on each bottle is my signal that it’s a diluted mixture. I started by drawing looping root-like shapes with water, which tends to bead up on the plastic paper, so I used “custom” brushes to convince the water to adhere before adding the diluted ink. The brushes are just old hog bristle ones that I gave a haircut. Next, I created wet-in-wet mixtures by dropping in different amounts of the 3 inks. Because Yupo is nonabsorbent, intriguing textures happened as the water slowly evaporated. Repeating the process several times added more depth and richer color.

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