Mystery Technique #97

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This is another one of my dream painting experiments using diluted acrylic inks, Winsor & Newton’s Granulation Medium, and my favorite modified brushes. To personalize the brushes, I used sharp scissors to cut uneven triangles out of the stiff hog bristles. I love the varied marks they make, from irregular strokes to dry brush textures to small dots! It all depends on how you hold them and how much water you’re using. After making some strokes with just water, I dropped in diluted Phthalocyanine Blue (green shade), Quinacridone Magenta, and Cadmium Yellow Light Hue. When the first layer dried, I repeated the process with darker versions of the same colors, sometimes using the droppers inside the bottles for thinner marks. The last layer is extremely diluted Titanium White with lots of Granulation Medium. I tilted the paper slightly to exaggerate the texture.

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