Mystery Technique #106

Watercolor pencils are great for making subtle changes! Next month you can learn more about how I use them if you’ve signed up for email updates!


Here are the paints I used for the tree roots, a liner brush for details, and a piece of the same painted paper:

I started by wetting the paper, then dropped in a mix of several Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus watercolors, Winsor & Newton’s Granulation Medium, and more water to make the paint flow. Tilting the paper in different directions increased the textural effects. After the paper dried, I cut out the tree shapes and added shadows and details. Here’s a work in progress with the same torn paper stencil and modified bristle brush I used last month:

The color is a mixture of Ultramarine and Daniel Smith’s Lunar Black. You can see a test of the dry brush technique on the stencil. By painting a dark value along the edge of the stencil, I created a greater sense of depth:

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